Sunday, 21 February 2010

Lent Day 5

Careful and deliberate breathing.

It feels almost unjust to record these days and responses, however it is not, and keeps me writing, which is also part of the bigger goal: the specifically defined life. I have not taken time for such quiet and focused contemplation in too long to think about.

I have read today of the Sybils and of Hypatia. I have considered cataloging and the ordering of the mind in its cycles and distractions. I have wondered of the wisdom of recipe-less cauliflower and cheese soup. That may have to wait. I am not so certain of cooking yet and still must wash many dishes.

I found myself staring at the radiator in the kitchen, sparking with the possibilities of its inner life.

The bathroom floor & the sink are cleaned as are the desk and one of the bookshelves. I feel a bit like the kid in the picture book I had as a child who only washed one part of himself a day and at the end of the week was still half dirty!

It is not entirely surprising that I've begun to sweep more now that I spend much more time than before in close contact with the floor. I see the crud and smell the air. it is a completely different perspective.

Four of the clutter-keepers I made have been emptied. One of them is on the ironing pad - pinned (bottom & lid) to finally take some kind of shape that is well-defined. I had fun making those bowls.

It is noted that there are still many sore spots in the re-establishing of certain habits. I am uncertain what to call my responses to them. I am not apathetic, nor am I inclined to anger or re-created hurt (that is to say: there is old hurt & the recognition of its source, but without addition) from whining or a sense of unfairness. There is some lingering dismissiveness (as, for example, my predilection for some kind of ceremony of tea) which I feel is as harmful as any other lingering resentment. It is acknowledged and I cannot be honest and say that any more is required. The soreness will pass away, as the soreness of muscles kept working toward the goal of greater strength and flexibility. The pain exists. It is no meaningful distraction. It is more than I thought it was, which makes sense: if I did not know how tense and inflexible my body had become, how could I guess at the same stagnation in my ego and my heart.

I stretch my reason and my emotions must needs reach out. It is good to be gentle. It is good to clean one floor and let the rest be there on a different day.

Saturday, 20 February 2010

Lent Day 4, later

I've found a way to make some kind of peace with Circular Motion. It seems best. Noticed that while my back is very tender right now (that I've sat funny) I did not feel the same level of tension today or tonight. It was neither as strong nor long-lasting.

It is late and I am uncertain about my next activity. I believe that I will take out my contacts and go to bed with vitamins, water and Dr. Nussbaum. It seems balanced that long work days will be short reading days. Also, there has been much sleeping, and that strikes me as correct. I wonder when my dream life will leave more remnants in my waking life than it already does? I know that I dream. That is enough. It is likely that it will always be enough.

Lent Day 4

Fourth day of yoga will be practice late today, as I've not eaten for several hours and had quite a long walk home from work. Rice reheated with ghee and a side of cottage cheese. After yoga, I may have a bowl of soup. Such good soup.

Much as been on my mind today. Dreams crowded and alive and more unremembered than usual. Places in the day where instead of doing one thing, I do another - interesting how right now the temptation is not so strong, as I just have rules and am to follow them. Confidence in full acknowledgment of fragility and human weakness. No room for arrogance.

Nor any room for apathy, neither. As I discovered in terse conversation with a sort-of colleague today. "Except that I love what I do, so it's not like any other job."

My now assuaged hunger in conjunction with teh delay in yoga practice brings the memories of my first husband even closer. That terrible night when he left. For six hours he was gone and I could have left him then. I could have been home with my mother and on my way wherever and I stayed. And the hurts layered. And he read my journal. And I stopped registering the pain. I know that I must have lashed out in anger and hurt, though I've no idea at whom. Or for how long. We were a couple of people made of reactions to each other.

It has never been comfortable for me to feel that he was fully aware of himself, that he was completely reasonable; and yet I do pin responsibility on him for his actions. My own lack of awareness does not remove culpability. All it does, and this is not small, is serve to remind me that I have the right (and responsibility) to make better choices now that I am aware. It is time to change when the time happens. I believe that I have a certain degree of input there, but I do not have the ability to understand a thing, I will have to gain that understanding before learning can be said to have happened.

Gentleness and patience are not at odds with persistence and honesty. And there is already such joy in life and in living. To be able to fully involve myself, that may be additionally joyful.

It is not necessarily possible, I believe, to exert complete control over thoughts and attention. it is not impossible to be present and engaged most of the time: even in the even that 'present' is somewhere .... else.

Friday, 19 February 2010


The ground is covered in stupid. oh, coffee, you are my only hope...

Lent Day 3

Right. Day 3. I have spent the day thinking, while knowing full well that it was not the case, that today was Day 4.

Realized that to think of this 40 days as a test is to establish it as a challenge that is perhaps not what I'm interested in facing. It is not whether I will keep the rules that I've set myself or not, it is implied and known that I will. What is unknown is the experience of doing so and also the experience of life in this time.

Today I found myself paying very close attention to my muscles stretched and held an form all twisty-round. The seconds and breaths were about awareness of posture and tension and musculature.

And red lentil soup. On which I have just stuffed myself. (by the by - always have a recipe for this, along with an onion, tomatoes, red lentil, cardamom, garlic, cinnamon and a bit of chili powder on hand. you will thank me later. really.)

Last evening's reading of Bozo Sapiens brought this wonderful information into my life: 'Want to be more perceptive and engaged in the world? Stop eating: ghrelin, the resulting hormone, boosts learning capacity to such a degree that the researcher who found the connection speculated that "perhaps the cognitive brain is a side-effect of hunger." (Nature Neuroscience, vol. 9, Feb. 19, 2006. p 381-88)( New Scientist, Feb. 25, 2006, Andy Coghlan) - Must here say that I very much distrust speculation - if the evidence is there, that is fine, but speculation is bad science.

As for yoga: The Circular Motion exercise is the only one that has never really made sense in practice or on paper. It still doesn't.

There is no real certainty in this. Decisions must still be made whose impact on my life will be felt beyond Easter. Also, I've to do dishes and want to wait until at least tomorrow evening. If not the day after. I have a very long day tomorrow and am very tempted to take a shower and get into bed and read Martha Nussbaum until I fall asleep and dream of characters as letters moving in a dance over a broad stage, singing to me their names and various histories, presenting to me more layers than one night's dreaming can reveal or understand, while outside the steps where I sit for many nights in focused attentiveness, the world begins to name itself with symbols and sounds carried proudly aloft or discretely sewn in a pocket, perhaps tucked away, as mine is, just behind an ear, protected by the hairline and the relative grandeur of the appendage.

I remembered today to buy toothpaste.

Thursday, 18 February 2010

Lent Day 3

Starting to get throat cold and cannot have spicy soup as has pork in it. Reading Manguel opens wolds of annotative potential. Find myself choosing to live the experience rather than mapping it. Though as I track my pages read count, I leave clues for later me to re-trace and even perhaps to record again. Boileau.

I walked downtown and learned that I have temp hours for the near foreseeable future, but am still reminded of the need to be frugal and responsible with time, energy and money. Frugal is not fearful. It is aware and creative and resourceful.

Slept very soundly last night. I was, quite honestly, somewhat surprised.

2nd day of yoga shows more of what the 1st day did: tense tension tense. It's more than a little surprising, honestly. Ah, ego. Also, I think more than a little uncomfortably of my first husband and wonder how much I've been carrying around with me that is that kind of old and potentially harmful. It's only certain moves thus far, though I've not yet come to the back push-up and I am nervous about it.

I've made black beans & rice - started it & washed some dishes before yoga. Seems a good balance of time - start something that takes 30 or so minutes to cook & spend the time well, then rest and have some water and decide what to listen to during the meal.

Finished the Byzantium lectures tonight. Will have to take some notes: Crusades, Greek history 19th & 20th cent., Latin, Ancient Greek, libraries in Constantinople, the Crusader kingdom, Kingdom of Heaven (the film), superstitions, angels, gates of magic, doing penance to gain God's forgiveness & favor <-- now that's one I relate very strongly my personal experience.

Probably I would not use the word God or appeal to God. It is more about gaining the right to forgive or release myself from whatever routines or mindsets or debts I owe to the world or specific people or my past. While iconoclasm is very definitely not how I approach such action, I understand the motivation to make every act one that finds favor with God. My own impatiences tend to be riled in less visible ways, though I am no less severe with them (if not nearly so effective).

Home is place of almost endless possibility for creativity and learning. It is overwhelming and sometimes seems distracting.

Wednesday, 17 February 2010

Lent Day 1

Today is the first day of Lent, 2010. The decision to change much about my daily habits is, I allow, completely insane. It is also something that I've wanted to do for months, and as I do not see myself moving into the forest for 40 days in search of understanding or enlightenment or closeness to God, I have made the choice to go without in different ways, no less shocking, tho far more modern & possible. Also, there will be coffee and chocolate. Yes.

So. I've eaten no meat today - 2 bean & cheese burritos, coffee, chocolate cake, tea, iced lemon muffin. I am hungry for rice, I think, so may make some and hard-boil an egg for a late snack. I've dumped the last mouthful of wine from a leftover glass and unplugged the TV stuff. I've also read more than 60 pages of a book about A History of Reading, and have determined to finish The Story of Language by Mario Pei before I embark on A History of Writing (1984) which must naturally have a place in all this study. Also, yoga - haven't done that yet - this it will be a nice segue into the evenings' craft work and listening - I think I shall hear more of Byzantium tonight. Tomorrow will be a good day for the red lentil soup, I feel, and to finish cleaning and clearing out the refrigerator and freezer.

My dreams begin to resist my efforts at keeping them from terrifying me. I am not sure what this spring will bring.

NaNo has given me the ability to believe that I can accomplish ridiculous things & now it is about perpetuation of that behavior, the place where it begins to become habit.

For change to be meaningful and the world after it's done to be sustainable and positive ans what was aimed for, even a little, it must be deeply felt and in this case deliberately enacted and carefully considered. Oddly, once I made the Life List of Lent*, it all made sense and there was no need to add or subtract anything. Today involved a certain degree of awareness and I anticipate more than a little antsy behavior as the 40** days continue.

Evening walks are good and there are enough projects to keep me occupied and invigorated and walking the rails through lands of reality & imagined surrounding & the dream life for me to be at once involved and overwhelmed and maybe even learn how to get used to it and feel more self control with it also. It is slow and requires faith and focus and deliberately chosen food.

Change, for me, is in the depths, not the details.

*Life List of Lent
**technically, it's 47 days. minus Sundays. Because that's how New Math works.

Tuesday, 16 February 2010

Lent 2010

Life List of Lent

no drinking
no smoking
no meat
no TV/DVD/VCR in the house
yoga every day*
work every scheduled shift

...which is all fine and good. I allowed Thursdays off for the meat and alcohol as that is the night of dinner with friends and there are enough dietary restrictions already, I had no desire to add to them.

*My yoga practice will follow a book that I bought when I worked at a bookstore some 16 years ago. I've begun the program before, but never stuck with it for the entire 28 days and am convinced that it is time to try it again. (again)

Also, I am allowed as much coffee and chocolate as I can stand and whenever I need it.

Still working to reach my reading goal of 100 pages a day. Will keep daily journal to track yoga progress.