Saturday, 20 February 2010

Lent Day 4

Fourth day of yoga will be practice late today, as I've not eaten for several hours and had quite a long walk home from work. Rice reheated with ghee and a side of cottage cheese. After yoga, I may have a bowl of soup. Such good soup.

Much as been on my mind today. Dreams crowded and alive and more unremembered than usual. Places in the day where instead of doing one thing, I do another - interesting how right now the temptation is not so strong, as I just have rules and am to follow them. Confidence in full acknowledgment of fragility and human weakness. No room for arrogance.

Nor any room for apathy, neither. As I discovered in terse conversation with a sort-of colleague today. "Except that I love what I do, so it's not like any other job."

My now assuaged hunger in conjunction with teh delay in yoga practice brings the memories of my first husband even closer. That terrible night when he left. For six hours he was gone and I could have left him then. I could have been home with my mother and on my way wherever and I stayed. And the hurts layered. And he read my journal. And I stopped registering the pain. I know that I must have lashed out in anger and hurt, though I've no idea at whom. Or for how long. We were a couple of people made of reactions to each other.

It has never been comfortable for me to feel that he was fully aware of himself, that he was completely reasonable; and yet I do pin responsibility on him for his actions. My own lack of awareness does not remove culpability. All it does, and this is not small, is serve to remind me that I have the right (and responsibility) to make better choices now that I am aware. It is time to change when the time happens. I believe that I have a certain degree of input there, but I do not have the ability to understand a thing, I will have to gain that understanding before learning can be said to have happened.

Gentleness and patience are not at odds with persistence and honesty. And there is already such joy in life and in living. To be able to fully involve myself, that may be additionally joyful.

It is not necessarily possible, I believe, to exert complete control over thoughts and attention. it is not impossible to be present and engaged most of the time: even in the even that 'present' is somewhere .... else.

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