Wednesday, 20 June 2007

yes, yes, the day goes on

there is an intermittent hissing noise coming out of something that controls the highly unstable air quality and temperature of this area. it sounds like highly controlled competition peeing.
Country Weekly comes out every two weeks.
Today is the kind of a day where it occurred to me at a very unfortunate moment that it's incredible that the months of the year are called the same thing every year and that every year they happen in the same order. Repeat any common word to yourself over and over and over again until it becomes not only meaningless but almost impossible that the word ever had meaning. Leave it alone and the meaning comes back. I am teetering back and forth between being and being in the reserve room (for that read: not being). Reading for the book, reading for work, reading at all or am i just processing the letters in the alphabet to guide my feet and hands to the right place on the shelf?
I will enjoy processing this so much later - along with the Dyer déjà vu and the connection because of the rain and how is it that lunch at the coffee house is so inexpensive, really? and why oh why does every-fucking-body feel the need to go the noodles place on the one day that I want to go?
must head off and work some more and lost my sense of the reality of words and place and meaning. Yay!

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