Tuesday, 26 June 2007

evening at home

This is one of those moments when I am aware so much of why my husbands found me so intolerable.

Reading the latest Martha Grimes - Dust. I am terribly in love with Melrose Plant. I have been for years. Never mind that he's fictional, or that even if he weren't fictional he would still be something like 20 years my senior. He's just so unhappy and so content to be that way. Grumpy. Practically an alcoholic when he can get around to it. His friends are elitists and utterly silly. Did I mention the part about the house? The estate. Yep. And the days filled with sitting in front of a fireplace reading or mucking about. I could almost not mind the regularity of murder.

Yes, I read detective novels. And instead of being head over ass for the detective, I pick his moody moldy buddy to fall for, this is the best thing ever written ever in the history of anything. He drinks Old Peculiar. And he reads French poetry. For fun. Because he can. He still smokes.

With Anne off wandering the wilds of Southern France and Brad negotiating the wilds of Lincoln, the house is mine and the CD is classical. But, remember, this is me. Classic Wynton. Trumpet solos by Wynton Marsalis. Cuz, come on, if Ken Burns is going to act like the history of jazz is wrapped up entirely in this family, I can get behind the classical music detours every now and again. Portuguese blues next.

Water crackers, bland goat cheese (oh, did I mention the part about the blandness of the goat cheese? I'm going to try white wine to see if I can pick up any flavors whatsoever that might be getting over-powered. by the water crackers. yeah. the texture is gorgeous, of course, but come on, goat cheese should make your lips go a little tense for a moment, get your tongue off the bottom of your mouth, wake you up to eating, not inspire drunkenness as a last resort for flavor.) but the wine is cheap and enjoyable and i have a carton of smokes at my leisure.

My, but I am insufferable, in that whole i-like-what-i-like-and-fuck-you-
an-icebox way. It is good to know that there are some things that haven't changed.

Thank the Goddess.

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