Thursday, 29 September 2011

Treasures from my Reader feed.

I am never certain where to put the best of the best, but because it is just so, well, so -

This is the most surreal thing I have ever read. (and it wasn't written by Warren Ellis. go figure.)

Has anyone ever heard of or made or had this? It looks fascinating and quite pretty, but also there is vinegar in it, so I'm asking around for opinions.

PhD makes me laugh a lot today. (and yes, I am writing today for today and now, it is real-time today. for a little while, at least.)

Scatterwood continues to delight.

Three Panel Open is still on, and boy did Marley Zarcone bring it.

Coilhouse, as ever, shares the lovely and disconcerting in their piece on Leontine Greenberg. It is no secret that I have a huge culture crush on Coilhouse. They are incredible.

The British Library's science fiction blog has a piece about a novel about post-apocalyptic England that was published in 1885. Of particular note is the lengthy passage about how culture is transmitted in a world without a need or desire for books.

Christopher Wilson has been going through the massive amounts of photos he took while travelling a couple of years ago. I love all of them, but this one I love more because it is a picture of my friend and it captures for me the sense of isolation and calm self-knowledge that focused travelling can drop on you whether you like it or not.

Right. Enjoy, darlings.
It is a beautiful day.

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