Friday, 26 August 2011

The cat, she makes me nervous with her calm

First and foremost: please be safe in the path of bad weather!

The Beat has an article about the hurricane with useful sorts of links.

In other news, Ali Ferzat, a Syrian cartoonist, was attacked by thugs who beat him and broke his hands. As stated in The Beat's article: "Ferzat is recovering. In the meantime, please visit his website, and do what you can to promote and protect freedom of speech, even in countries where the government actively suppresses this freedom."

Artist stuff: My friend Christopher Wilson's photographs are now available for purchase through his Capture My Chicago page. Go there! Buy some! Send me one!

Today I write more cover letters. I've decided to write one to my potential future landlord as well. I think it smacks of over-doing it. Which is a thing at which I excel.

Researching where I want to work (not who is hiring, where I want to work) has fired my enthusiasm for my not-yet-city.

Subterranean Books! Their events are worth the drool I dripped, and I haven't even been there yet. BYOB is inspired. I am so jazzed to explore this place.

These days are going to be tense ones. I've just eaten the leftover Hamburger Pie. Out of the dish in which my mother cooked it. At the computer. Shameless, I know. Planning forays into the outer world and reading of the possible joys and horrors I may find there do not help to end the tension, but they do help spend the time less unwisely.

Speaking of unwise: I am Still Not Done with the damn book*. I have like 20 pages to go and just can't get there - it's like there's this sense that once this is finished, everything changes. Which is so silly, because everything changes all the time no matter what, so what the hell do 30 pages mean more or less? Anyway, I have another book to finish after that, so the cycle remains, as ever: unbroken.

The British Library maintains a number of blogs through its website. One of them speaks of science fiction. Today, specifically, of library and science fiction. Through the magical realism of Borges. And it gives me this beautiful parting line:
... there is no higher life form than a librarian."
THE SCIENCE OF DISCWORLD: Terry Pratchett, Jack Cohen, and Ian Stewart, p. 10.

*just Vol. 3 of the set.

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