Monday, 7 February 2011

New stuff from last week

For whatever reason, last week was the kind of week that brought good things on the drifts of snow that we all watched pile up and up and up. I am pleased to say that not only did most of it wait until late January to fall, but I'm pretty stoked for it to all leave and melt in the not too terribly distant future. Last winter was far too long and snowy for any mortal soul, and I'm ready for my move south of the winter, Mr. DeMille.

So, going to college early may not have all of the glamorous perks that I figured it would (then again, I am the stubborn one who lacks all manner of good homework habits), one of the many wonderful surprises was rekindling a friendship with a guy who has just published the first issue of Nix Comics Quarterly. It arrived in my house last week, and I'm writing about only now because my father (ahem ahem) absconded with it and I've only just found it again in the piles of paper that define my space in the living room.

Happily, I loved it. The stories are quick and well-written and Ken's found artists whose work compliment the sort of story-genres very well. Also, he's just wrong in the head and the little blurbs between the stories are just fun. Almost makes me sad for the days of Dr. Pepper and Rum. Almost. But not really. He's accepting submissions for his second issue and if the website doesn't lie, it looks like he's going to be out and about in public and at events doing things this spring.

On a side note: Ken financed the first issue through Kickstarter just as some other fine people have begun doing, and I'm getting to think that this is a wonderful idea for a way to use the Internet that doesn't suck ass.

Also, I love you, Whitechapel.

My webcomics reading has informed me of things that I wish to share!

Like, The Beat and Girls Gone Geek, both comics news sites that have given my daily feed an unwholesome dose of nerd-love and geek-gasms, and frankly, I like them better than Bleeding Cool. Sorry, dudes, but it's true. io9 is still pretty fun, but too much graphics for my little 'puter some days.


Andre's moved his blog to something named Treacherous Grey Matter, going with nomenclature that more accurately represents the state of his brain. Pitch Black is still where it was before (whew, changing feeds is just like 30 seconds worth of work, mang!)

I think that's all.

I remember: Love On The Run! YAY. I love this. I love that porridge papers does it. I love that other people love it. I super love that I get to volunteer at it on Sunday morning. (psst: you could come and see me and we could hug!)

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