There's a cat on my lap.
My lap has been the site of a cat ever since I returned over a week ago. I am certain that the increasingly cold weather plays a huge role in their need to be on my lap, rather than any desire for companionship or need to make sure that I stay put whenever I am home.
Which is much less lately now that I have a job. Granted it is part-time and minimum wage, but it is a nice place to work, people are friendly and while there are some coffee snobs, most folks are forgiving and seem to be there to do what every coffee house customer is really supposed to do: talk. To each other. Sometimes to me. Mostly not. Steaming milk is my great challenge.
Foam eludes me. Repeatedly.
Foam is a skill.
Book Lady can learn.
I get to be a book lady. It is good to be back with books. So good.
My father and shared reading material this morning. Adrian Smith is helping a call to cut funding to various 'wasteful' funded agencies. Like, potentially, the National Science Foundation. There is a such a thing as a latte made with honey and a bit of nutmeg. Guess which one of these factlets I will take to work with me on Monday.
Chris Wilson has been sharing gorgeous photos again.
Hey, Chris - next time we go to India, wanna join? We're thinking that Jordan needs to be visited as well. A lot. Crusader castles. Just saying.
Robert Wurth got his Retrospective on, and while I am loathe to choose only one favorite (anything)(ever), I have to admit a huge soft spot for the last one. There are dogs in it. And Stormtroopers. So much less-than-three. So much.
Best thing about facebook? School-mates all grown up and being way more awesome than me. Hands down, best reason to follow anyone.
Case in point?
You get one.
Go read the rest on your own.
Wil Wheaton continues to make me smile by just being. Really.
Lotsa love today.
All for the dudes, apparently.
Mama made french toast. and bacon.
I'm gonna go eat that now.
Much love.
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