Tuesday, 16 November 2010

Here's something disturbing

so, I was watching more of The Big Bang Theory (because apparently, I love this show. (See, here's the thing: it's never a good idea for me to 'love' a television show, I lack attention span for pop culture, cannot remember lines that are funny or meaningful on only one viewing and therefore must watch everything of the show that I find interesting until it ends or I get bored. In the case of Deadwood and Carnivale, well okay so those were entirely determined by poorly thought out relationships, but they did sort of end before I stopped paying attention. (it occurs to me at this moment that this applies both to the shows and the relationships (and now morning is awful (but that is not the point))) Deadwood did have one more season, I will admit, but it was on TV, and I would have had to make time in my day to watch it and who has that kind of willingness to define their day around passive entertainment? Not I, said the bored unemployed poet who really ought never be bored because it is bad for her and annoying for anyone living with her. I enjoy fiction with set endpoints, because it is what happens between the beginning and the end that define the shape of the thing. (Happily, I called the end of LOST sometime in the middle of the second season and therefore did not feel badly about losing interest.) Also, that kind of story containment means that you get the experience of revisiting the whole thing and learning new stuff about characters and development and exactly how much you hate the people who nitpick in public or go all drooly over characters all the while thinking that it's the actor thinking that the actor is a person that is at all accessible in the real life of someone like a person who gets all drooly over a fictional character (this really could go on forever). It gets really boring and borders on the obsessive, so I avoid it. Like I avoid so many many many things - it makes me a boring conversation partner. I hate that. Conversation is an art form, it is a dance, it is something beautiful and filled with all manner of joy. It is not to be shat on with pointless gossip and constant references to things that are removed from the day to day randomness that is life.)) and then decided to write a blog, only it turns out that I don't really have anything to say.

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