Saturday, 5 December 2009

Calm down, you haven't known each other that long,

There is no reason to get excited. Nothing to see. No need to panic. It's just something new, that's all. Find a place for it in the world around the desk and the dishes and the cuddly demanding felines.

New friendships are always of interest to me, partly because I enjoy people and learning new people is an absolute plus. Partly because I like the people I hang around. They bring an enormous amount to my life and I hope that I share some of that back with them.

The known friendships are the theme of the moment, though. Who else hangs around for 8 hour breakfasts that do not even involve eggs? or bacon? Only coffee. Lots and lots of coffee for me, thank you! Ah. The joys of over-caffeinated self-dom. Oh, and there was a cinnamon roll and also a blueberry muffin, and also a cup of tea. But I didn't drink the tea, someone else did. The ninja. There was grocery shopping (we did not buy the fingerless gloves), and drugstore shopping (we did not buy the toe-d socks), new age store shopping (I totally bought the date book) in two places and even a trip to the Goodwill (no mojo, no wardrobe addition). It was brilliant. And there is more cheese in the house. And the cats were content to be fed and have new food.

When they left, I sat me down and pulled out some index type cards and made lists for menus and activities for the next few days. Now I do laundry and hang out with the parents and say nothing of the felines who captivate my attention when that attention could really be doing other things. Dreams float up through my memories and entertain me with their vivid disturbing obvious images. It is good these days. This writing and thinking and now laughing and learning and many much words in conversation is good. This is the bliss. Well, mostly. Better paycheck, or more assured paycheck with benefits, or more bills paid and immediate needs met. These, though, are manageable.

Superheroes were in town today for the parade. gak. We heard that there was some awesome Matrix action getting the balloons under the Skywalk. And that Kermit had some issues with a traffic light. It's not easy being green.

There are always boundaries. These are not impediments, they are not problematic, they are part of what defines one relationship from another. There are certain conversations that will not be had concerning this or that. It is a matter of privacy, and also trust, not necessarily of the listener, but of the subject, the person of whom we speak. The last month was very inwardly focused. My father finished his dissertation, friends got married, friends studied and created in classes, I wrote for NaNo. We have not seen much of each other, have not chatted aimlessly around the place enjoying the sounds of each others' vocabularies, hearing sense and understanding and accusations of thwartment or squishing or ninja-creep, etc. The rhythms are reminders that the new friends are good, and that there is always room for more when more are compassionate, understanding and patient.

Now, if only the boy would make some sense of things, I wouldn't have to feel like I'm rushing anything because I could blame him, and then everything would be just fine, thank you very much!

Only, no. It's time to calm down. We haven't known each other that long. And, really, I do have things I need and want to do.

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