Thursday, 18 October 2007

pledge drives and resumes

I have decided to listen to NPR on my computer at work. It keeps me from spending too much time listening to my brain while I'm here. I am remembering the sound of it while I stay at the farm. There is no other human noise, no worry about much of anything except chores, which are just nothing anymore. I remember what the silence holds for me. It is good.

Decided to approach the resume as a skill-set list instead of the reduced bits of my personality and job history made pretty on a page or two.

Friend John loaned me tapes of a show called The Power of Art - the episodes about Picasso and Carravagio. I love them. There was an ad for one about Bernini. I love him, as well. Tortured artists dying of fever on the beach. What more could a girl ask for? Really.

Much good friend time this last few weeks. Looks like much good friend time for a while yet. Is good. Is doing. Is hitting the thrift stores on Sunday with Jenny and Ula - yes, yes, the thrift store is good.

Have many other things to say, but they need time and attention and proper grammar. I have put up more pictures - some of my office, some of my gremlins, some of other people's gremlins (Chandreyee's and my parents' specifically).

Also - yes, yes, I love commentaries. What did we do before DVD's? Really? Reviews and interviews and all sorts of even less believable shite? Ah, the good old days are good and gone, and I enjoy the endless entertainment of other peoples' self-aggrandizing. There's good stuff in there, Maynard - you just have to listen for it.

Ethel, the quiet, loving kitten, has found her voice and boy is it loud! She's got the best purr, though. And she lets out some loud loud loud growls - impossible for such a small creature. She really is just the smallest little thing! And she has a thing for hanging out in the dryer. Cleaning herself. She gets mad when I take her out of it. She is so her mother's child.

I'm done now.
Thank you for listening.

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