Tuesday, 16 January 2007

cold feet, active vocab

listening to the news, been playing solitaire, hurting myself on myspace, sitting in a crouch trying to keep all of my bodily warmth from leaving the boundary of my clothes.
Our state wants to make pass a smoking ban for restaurants, bars, etc. I understand that businesses in Lincoln seem to be doing more business since the ban went into effect two years ago. I get that second hand smoke is dangerous and harmful. I get that smoking is dangerous and harmful. I smoke. I do not smoke in front of children and do not see that it is wrong for non-smokers to breathe air that is not polluted in that way. However, the excuse that is being given by lawmakers first, before the quality of health reasoning - fascist much?, is the belief that the ban must be passed statewide otherwise we will, in this state, have cities and towns which lie only a few miles from each other that have different laws! He stated that it is unfair and that it is his desire to even out the playing field for businesses this way.
This is where I say - jackass.
Dangerous attitudes. Even if this goes to a vote, I understand that it is just as likely to pass as not. Those who live in the 3rd district tend to resent governmental control over their favorites passtimes and habits. I wonder if they will have enough to keep the state uneven. I live in such a fucking weird state.